Would you like to know about our professional events? Hit Subscribe and we will add you to the mailing list.
Would you like to get active in the Network? There are a few ways you can do so. You can become a member of this platform and join the group, you can find us on LinkedIn and you can find us on Facebook.
We organise monthly meetups for UX professionals in the Randstad and everyone who wants to add to that is welcome. If you leave your details by filling in the corresponding forms below, then we can use that info to create awesome events going forward.
Companies seeking to demonstrate their dedication to UX & Design may choose to host events to do so as it's a great way to gain exposure while contributing to ESG. How does hosting an event benefit you? View this presentation to learn about our efforts in the January event for some inspiration. How do we plan events? Read this document.
We create all kinds of events that our network may find useful. Generally we have one or two presenters or speakers, but we are working on workshops and discussion panels too. Anycase, by taking the stage at any event, you get to showcase your knowledge, skills, work as well as inspire and connect with others. Plus you get a cool page of your own, finadable in the collab list.
Working together strengthens efforts and enable us to go bigger, better, and bolder. Checkout our first collab with Ladies that UX Amsterdam. We will continue to explore ways to collaborate with Companies and Organisations to create events, build connections and deliver value that impacts our network and it's people in meaningful ways. Get involved, and let's make something great.
Working together strengthens efforts and enable us to go bigger, better, and bolder. Checkout our first collab with Ladies that UX Amsterdam. We will continue to explore ways to collaborate with Companies and Organisations to create events, build connections and deliver value that impacts our network and it's people in meaningful ways. Get involved, and let's make something great.
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Suggestions, Requests, Topics & Ideas
Circular design
Would love to attend an event on circular design. Maybe you can organise a workshop? Vanessa Monsequeira is an interesting person who might be able to help.
Topic Request
Bring real case studies to the table that happened to different companies, with data.
Topic Request
What is considered a good CV for a Senior Designer?
Can you do an event for students and young professionals?
Topic Request
User research for e-commerce: how to realistically get user behaviour in e-commerce where you don't have such big access to customers ( they are not so involved with the company, they want to shop and that's it)
Topic Request
What is considered a good but realistic portfolio for a Senior Designer ( it cannot have the mind-blowing visuals of a Junior who had all the time in the world to invest in UI because he/she doesn't have experience)
Presenters, speakers, panelists & workshop facilitators request
For our Summer Awareness Week Event - Design for Tomorrow, we are seeking professionals who are interested in partaking in an event. Please visit the landing page to see the full list of topics which include Ethical Design, Inclusivity, Accessibility, Connected Experience Design and any other topic that may be worth including. Contact us.
Candice Storm
Topic Request
How to solve real concrete UX problems for the company: retention Retention strategies, benchmarks per industry etc. Start study on e-commerce.

Contact us if you would like to get active in this community.
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