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Trine Falbe

Ethical design and UX expert
Trine Falbe
Trine has worked with UX for 20 years in various fields like news, children’s digital experiences, e-commerce and education. She is a consultant, entrepreneur, speaker and author of two books: White Hat UX (2017) and The Ethical Design Handbook (2020). Her dedication to ethical design and responsible innovation always sets the direction in her work.
Ethical Design | Responsible Innovation | UX
The overarching definition - to me - of ethical design is:
Growing businesses, products, and services from a principle of fairness and fundamental respect towards everyone involved
From this definition, a range of core principles can be extracted, such as:
Challenge past and future decisions by asking
Put people’s privacy and safety front and centre
Avoid implementing deceptive design patterns in the product
Guardrail against bias by asking “who have we not included in our research/ decisions/ planning - and why?”
Look critically at your suppliers and collaborators. Are they conforming to the ethical design principles?
To learn more about ethical design please visit the ED Network here.