While I'm on this topic, I'd like to have some discussions from a more personal perspective touching on some of the thoughts relating to the mental model that has resulted of my own experience as a professional and human.

This was the summary of how I interpreted the topic at the time. My optimism has sparked in recent months, but I think it's undeniable that there are a lot going on under the hood and that it may be too much of a party pooping topic to get into for most.
What are the challenges, and how may we incrementally optimise to solve, overcome or deal with it?
How to strike the balance between idealistic altruism and stone cold reality? I remember getting familiar with an org called effective altruism and attending their meetings in Amsterdam briefly before being swept up in another tide.
In case you're interested
I've not had too much time to thoroughly research it but I'd like to know if there are any groups who offer tools for incremental change applied to specific fields. I've created Design in Focus because I feel that the CID (Creative | Innovation | Design) sectors offer the most potential in solving some of the biggest challenges we face. The biggest challenge rearing its ugly head time and again is that we are not always enabled to create the changes needed to facilitate "better". Sometimes the commitments needed outweigh the realities provided. By unifying those who actually create and planting seeds, we may in the long run be able to make measurable impact.
Share your ideas and thoughts below. Add some links to great reading or training, bearing in mind all walks of life.