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Ontwerp in fokus> Galerye > Kanale



Ons het 'n groeiende aantal kanale waarop ons ons multimedia-inhoud publiseer.  Op die Design in Focus-platform het ons verskeie pasgemaakte portale en aanlyn het ons verskeie rekeninge insluitend YouTube, Instagram en LinkedIn._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Op hierdie platform kan jy navigeer volgens jou voorkeurmedia.  As jy graag na poduitsendings wil luister, besoek die Oudio-inhoudgalery, as jy daarvan hou om te lees, die Redaksionele inhoudgalery ens. 


Neem 'n dieper stap en bekyk die Deelnemerservaringsportale wat daarop gemik is om jou van meer relevante inhoud te voorsien.  Jy kan ook spesifieke multimedia-inhoud op die vier pilare van Design in Focus Portals vind, so as jy wil luister na menslike stories, gaan oor na die Human Experience, of Industry Talks as jy 'n professionele bespreking wil hoor. 

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
Design in Focus Audio

Design in Focus Audio

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
Design in Focus Editorial

Design in Focus Editorial

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
The Dream Team Roundtable Portal

The Dream Team Roundtable Portal

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
LinkedIn CID Showcase

LinkedIn CID Showcase

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
Design in Focus Video

Design in Focus Video

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
Industry Talks Portal

Industry Talks Portal

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
The Dark Side f the Force Portal

The Dark Side f the Force Portal

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
LinkedIn HQ

LinkedIn HQ

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
Design in Focus Visio

Design in Focus Visio

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
The Human Experience Portal

The Human Experience Portal

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
Participant Experience Pages

Participant Experience Pages

Image by Esteban Chinchilla
LinkedIn Design in Focus Group

LinkedIn Design in Focus Group

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