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CID standsvir Kreatief | Innovasie | Design.


Hierdie drie kategorieë is die kern van ons menslike ervaring en is in die meeste gevalle verantwoordelik vir die genot daarvan. Hierdie kategorieë bied diegene wat dinge maak, op al die maniere waarop hulle dit maak, van digitaal tot konseptueel tot fisies. 

Bekwame vakmanskap wat enige of al hierdie onderwerpe gebruik, lewer dikwels die mees bruikbare, geliefde produkte en dienste wat nie net dien om besigheid en ekonomie te verbeter nie, maar wat onontbeerlike aspekte van ons eksistensiële toestande word as mense wat die samelewing vorm._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Teken in op ons nuusbrief. 

White Fabric
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Creativity is a vital part of any business and has a powerful effect on the economy. Creativity can be found in every aspect of our lives, from how we operate businesses to how we live our lives. It is a powerful tool for problem solving and innovation, which can help drive growth in any industry or market.

White Fabric
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Innovation is the process of introducing new ideas, products, or services into a market. Innovation leads to new ways of doing things, which can be applied in both business and society.

White Fabric
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Design is important to business, society, and the individuals who make up those groups. Designers help create products that are functional, beautiful, and useful. They also help create services that are more efficient and effective than they were before.

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