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The Four Suits of UX
A Gamified Workshop Based on the Double Diamond Methodology Applied on Different Levels and Across Multiple Applications.

Η λεπτομέρεια σαςμικρό
We need your email address so that we can email your specific role related tasks and additional links and content for role play.
The Tailored Experience
To ensure that you get a unique human centered experience, shaped to resonate with you on a personal level, we will ask you for a couple of answers.
You will get specific roles and instructions based on the answers you supply.
Your Experience

About You
Please tell us about yourself.
Feedback IQ
Please enter any thoughts you have relating to IQ
Please share your thoughts
Feedback Personality Type
Please enter any thoughts you have relating to Personality Types
Please share your thoughts
Are you feeling lucky?
Heads or Tales? Good or Bad? Wrong or Right? Up or Down?
You must make a move, pick a side below.
This Side
This Side
End of Registration
Please review your answers and when you are ready, press the Submit Button. Scroll down for more info.
That didn't work. Please scroll up and look through your responses. Errors have a red border around it. Please ensure that you fill in all the required fields.
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