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Thorsten Jonas

Thorsten Jonas

Sustainable UX Consultant | Coach | Keynote Speaker | Founder of the SUX Network

Thorsten Jonas
Thorsten Jonas
Thorsten Jonas
Thorsten Jonas
Thorsten Jonas
Thorsten Jonas

About Thorsten

As a strategic UX Consultant with more than 18 years experience in agencies and for international clients, Thorsten helps companies and design-teams to innovate with care and to create more sustainable, responsible and ethical digital products. Being the long year Director UX for a large digital Agency in Germany, Thorsten quit his job in 2020 to put full focus on the major issues we are facing as human beings and society and since then works full-time on bringing Sustainability into Digital Products, Design and UX. 

As one of the outcomes, in 2021 Thorsten started the non-profit global community and  initiative "SUX – the Sustainable UX Network“ with an international group of designers - with the mission to make Sustainability default in the digital design process all over the world and to push Sustainable UX and Design further for and with the digital creative community.

Learn more about the Sustainable UX Network

About the Event

As designers, we hold the power to shape experiences that impact people's lives on a profound level. Now more than ever, embracing a sustainable mindset is not just an option, but a responsibility we must shoulder. Join us for this enlightening talk by Stine Ramsing, an advocate of Sustainable UX, who firmly believes in the potential of design to create positive impact, centered around climate change, social equality, and inclusion.

Find the livestream also on LinkedIn here :

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