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Meg Johnson

Head Producer and Creative Strategy at OpenView Venture Partners

In September Meg will be talking at Design for Tomorrow

Meg Johnson

About Meg

Meg is a multimedia producer and designer investigating the art of making people feel seen. From an early age Meg was interested in multimedia art but her creative journey didn't truly begin until she studied Communication Design at MassArt. In 2017 she graduated with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree and launched an iOS app called Plant Pal.

Later in 2017 she joined a small, 10-person startup SaaS named Privy. While at Privy Meg led videography, social media marketing and overall brand development to help Privy become one of the fastest growing companies in America. Now as OpenView's Senior Manager of Creative Strategy she leads brand development for the firm. Obsessed with software, user experience and design thinking, she works closely with leaders at the firm to understand and scale OpenView's brand affinity through thought leadership content programs like their podcasts, weekly video series and other personal branding initiatives.

Now located to Portland Oregon, when she's not leaving you a heart-felt voicemail, Meg spends her free time roller skating, playing video games, and taking pictures of her cat Noodle.

About the Event

Details coming soon.

This is an initiative by Randstad UX & Design in Focus.

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