Cédric Fettouche
Design strategist & Founder of Humanitarian Designers
In 2017, after graduating from my Master's degree in Strategic design, I moved to Lesvos, Greece, to do humanitarian work.
First to observe as a volunteer, then as a Project officer, I quickly learnt about project management: directing teams, liaising with partners and donors, managing logistics and conflicts, improving the internal and external communication, evaluating our impact.
Passionate about design, I continued to have a design-led strategic approach on my daily tasks to break humanitarian assumptions. It generally meant to take a step back to reflect on a longer-term impact; then, to implement bottom-up co-creative methods to better reach social and environmental objectives.
This humanitarian journey from a designer's perspective led me to work two years on Lesvos (Greece), then in Central Mediterranean Sea, and Tunisia. Seeing all these design opportunities, I founded the NGO Humanitarian Designers (HD) with the aim to bridge the gap between designers and NGOs, and guide motivated designers in their own committed journey. Today, it's a 450+ Slack members' community and our main past projects include a conference with 17 speakers in Paris and two courses about humanitarian design to design students from the Offenbach University (Germany) and ENSCI Les Ateliers (France).
While managing voluntarily HD, I continued my professional journey with the team of the New European Bauhaus (European Commission) working on an initiative related to the creative sector and EU policies. My role as a policy assistant is to guide the bottom-up community of 600+ non-profit organisations with participatory workshops and activities. All together, we worked on better defining what it means to have a project that is simultaneously inclusive, sustainable, and beautiful.