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Creative DiF Founders and Makers

Public·6 members
Candice Storm
November 7, 2022 · added a group cover image.
This person makes content for Industry Talks#IndustryTalks
This person makes content for The Human Experience#theHumanExpeirence
Candice Storm
This person makes content for Industry Talks#IndustryTalks
This person makes content for The Human Experience#theHumanExpeirence

Build up a legacy, not a bank account, legacies gain value for all time, money looses value over time
Build up a legacy, not a bank account, legacies gain value for all time, money looses value over time

Candice Storm
This person makes content for Industry Talks#IndustryTalks
This person makes content for The Human Experience#theHumanExpeirence

Candice Storm
September 7, 2022 · changed the group description.
This person makes content for Industry Talks#IndustryTalks
This person makes content for The Human Experience#theHumanExpeirence

Would you like to head a Design in Focus chapter in your local community?

Here are some good reasons you probably should.

As a founder/maker you can make a big impact in your community. Help CID professionals find local events, meetups, communities, networks, and other exciting stuff. They will love you for it. If you need hands on experience in Creative Project Management (CPM), this is for you.

As a founder/maker you can create some interesting Design in Focus events, sessions & content to demonstrate the value & impact of CID in Business and society. It's great for CPM's but also those who wish to tell a story, or start a podcast or show, or even write as an author.


Would you like to head a Design in Focus chapter in your loc...


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