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Events Planning

TBF - Design Goddesses Unite: Illuminating Lives through Creative Innovation

TBF - Design Goddesses Unite: Illuminating Lives through Creative Innovation


Candice + Female empowerment chicks

Leveraging the power of Design to Transform Human lives

I want to organise this event with Equal in Amsterdam. I would like to have brunch followed by an afternoon of talking, tea, and discussion.

Location :


Venue :


Date :

August 22, 2023 at 11:00:00 PM

Contact Equals

Ladies that UX

Women in Tech

Female founders

Female empowerment designers

Trine Falbe

Tiziana dÁgostino

Michelle *Yalbenez (Yalbes? whatever, find on LinkedIn

create concept + artwork

send emails

speakers, sponsors, host


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The Four Suits of Design

The Four Suits of Design


Candice Storm

Human Design

Gamified workshop

Location :


Venue :


Date :

August 24, 2023 at 10:00:00 AM

I want to organise this event at *Scot's (need to find profile and info) Game studio Amsterdam


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