Topics, requests, ideas.
Ethical Mandate for Design: Do No Harm vs. Do Something New?
That is the topic Robbert Kozma will be adressing on this platform. Want to join the converasation? Then find Robbert in the list and reach out to him.
Here : https://www.designinfocus.org/impact-design-faction/robert-kozma you can find an introduction and all of his links. Reach out to him if you are interested in talking about this topic.
P.s. Please feel free to post your own ideas here. Post about your ideas, what you would like to do or are doing, and reach out to others viewing this page to invite them to your own channels and platforms, such as media (webinars and podcasts etc) and events (conferences, and meet ups etc).
Contact Robert Kozma https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-kozma-ph-d-26b7278/
From the founder and organiser of UX Copenhagen Helle Martins:
"How UX and design can help with degrowth and systemic change."
As Angelos Arnis said at this year's UX Copenhagen conference, "There is no planet B". We have to start mobilizing change, and we need to do it fast! We will have to start looking into alternative ways of living, spending, eating, and disposing, and to create solutions that benefit our communities and the world we live in.
With this talk, we would like to open a discussion about urban agriculture, climate change, consumerism, and waste, and what we as designers can do to make sustainable changes for the better.
Contact Helle : https://www.linkedin.com/in/helle-martens/
In Summer this year, I'm organising an Awareness Week -> https://www.designinfocus.org/awareness-week-2023 and would love to invite all who would like to contribute. While the awareness week is taking place in the Randstad in the Netherlands, online participation is welcome, and anyone who would like to organise local events under the theme are also welcome to do so.
During this week we will be adressing key topics under the theme Design for Tomorrow - Aspire to better someone's life through design. I'm searching for speakers, presenters, hosts, sponsors, workshop facilitators and coordinators.
There are some interested companies who are considering sponsoring us, but nothing is yet confirmed, so for now, participation is unpaid (might change).
If you would like to join, please contact me.
I'd like to create a Dream Team Roundtable Webinar to discuss how we can enable designers to create impact and to achieve success by doing so.
If you are interested, please conmtact me (link below).
See our First Dream Team Roundtable here : https://www.designinfocus.org/sustainable-fashion-and-the-role-of-design
Hi all, and welcome to the Impact Topics List. Here you may add the topics you would like to discuss, what you would like to do, e.g make a podcast, write an article, speak at an event etc, and add your contact details.
Candice Storm
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